Inmate Living
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-06-24
- View count:2932
Inmate Living
- Food : Inmates are provided with a regular food supply in accordance with the regulations. If there are additional profits from prison operations, expenditure for food, drink, and holidays will be increased. Nutrition and hygiene are equally important when considering the inmates diet and health. The prison convenes a monthly meeting to discuss opinions and suggestions for improvements.
- Clothing : The purchasing and allocation of summer and winter uniforms for each inmate is coordinated with the Government budget on an annual basis. All issues are sufficient for the daily needs of inmates.
- Boarding :
- Inmates quarters are provided with adequate lighting and good ventilation, and are furnished with a water heater to supply enough hot water for showers. They are also provided with quilts and bedding for inmates use.
- To maintain the Safety of the buildings we are contracted with a professional fire control company for the inspection and maintenance of fire fighting equipment. They report to City Hall according to the regulations.